ページ 11


投稿記事Posted: 2016年1月07日(木) 19:47
by acha758
Hello. I'm acha living in 758. :)
It's been a while since I last appeared on BBSs or SNSs of Tadoku,
but I've been reading for quite a while.
My longtime favorites are Dr.Seuss, Winnie the Pooh, and My Wierd School
and my recent favorite is Disney Read Along series.
I hope we can share info and drive for extensive reading. ;)

Re: はじめましてacha758です

投稿記事Posted: 2016年1月09日(土) 11:02
by みぃみぃ
Hi! acha-san. I found you! ha-ha!
I will send you a big hug.