


投稿記事by さかい@tadoku.org » 2012年9月16日(日) 14:11









多読で英語を使うようになった好例ですね! いいぞぉー!!




バナナさんは Draughts というゲームで参加したようです。


--- 10th August ---
I am in the opening of wmsg. In Lille grand palace. Many people. Some
team has same team shirts. Some people wear country's clothes.

2nd wmsg First day Japanese player result
lose lose lose

--- 11th August ---
?2nd day result is same to 1st day.
We saw Dan Isabirye from Uganda and told about Draughts in Japan and
Igo in Uganda. He plays Igo. He said he wanted leather Igo board
because wood board is heavy. But we didn't know such board.
We wished wins for each and went to each matches.

別れ際がいいですね! かっこいいですね!

Yesterday I met with Mr.Uwe Frischmuth from Germany. He told to me
when my match finished. He said that he had not know Japanese played
Draughts. We began to talk about draughts but he didn't have time. So
we said SEE YOU LATER.
Today Mr. Omata played Chinese Chess - Xiang Qi - with Mr.Uwe. Mr.
Omata said so.

--- 12th August ---
?3rd day result : Kawashita played against Omata.Kawashita won, Omata
lost. I played against Belgian and lost.
When Kawashita and I replayed my match, French old man talked to us
with French. We couldn't understood his words and he couldn't
understood our English. But we talked with gesture and writing. He
said he lives in Lille. He gave us candy and flower.
I took our pictures.
Today I watched rapid games in evening. Very exiting. I watched
Ukraine woman game. I thought she didn't have advantage but she made
her opponent frozen. Her opponent had no good move! It was very
interesting game for me.


--- 13th August ---
?4th day. I played with Omata-san. I won. Kawashita -san lost.
Tomorrow I play with Kawashita -san.
When I went to wmsg from my hotel, I saw a youngman who has Igo board.
I said hello to him, he said he was a Igo players from Germany. We
talked about favorite Igo players on the way to wmsg.
After our draughts matches finished, I went to Igo tournament room
with Omata-san. We saw Japanese Igo players. I met with Japanese woman
player - Oosawa san -, she said she won today game.

--- 14th August ---
?5the day.
I played with Kawashita-san. Luckly I won. Omata-san played with Alex
Penkalo from Hungary and lost.
Before tournament, I was talked by a woman from India. I said NAMASTE
to her and her sister. Their name are Parwaan and Parvez Sohi. We
talked about our country's draughts. Kawashita-San took a picture of
us. Thank you very much.
After our match, Kawashita-san, Okays-san and I went to center of
Lille. We took tour-bus of Lille. Lille has many beautiful houses.

--- 15th August ---
?6th day
Kawashita-san played with Barnabas Kollner - a boy from Hungary -, and he won.
Omata-san'a opponent didn't appear- because of illness. So Omata-san
got one win.
I played with Enkh-erdene Enkh-amgalan from Mongol. After 4 hours
battle , it went draw. We played tie-break game and I lost. I got 3
I was very tired because of the two games.
Today all Japanese players got points.

--- 16th August ---
?7th day
Omata-san played with Freddy Egels from Belgium and lost.
Kawashita-san played with Boris Darry from France and lost after draw.
I played with Henqxin Wang from China and lost.
Only Kawashita-san got 3 points.

--- 17th August ---
?8th day
Omata san played with Barnabas Kollner from Hungary and lost.
Kawashita san played with Weiming Ji from China and lost after draw.
He got 3 points. I played with Nikolai Itchiin from Russia and lost.
I walked around Lille town and went to cathedral. Very beautiful.

Between first match and tie-break match, we watched suiside-draughts.
Very interesting.
In evening, I re-played my game and thought what move was bad.
'Michael'-he said his name- who was watching my replay, gave me some
revise. Thanks!

--- 18th August ---
9th day - it is last day - result
Omata San played with Oden Kollner from Hungary and lost. I played
Barnabas Kollner - Oden's son , 9 years old - and won. Kawashita san
played with Freddy Egels from Belgium and lost.

Omata san - 1 win, 8 lose
Kawashita san - 2 win 2 draw 5 lose
I - 3 win 1 draw 5 lose

At last, all 9 games are finished. I got 3 wins, 1 draw and 5 loses. I
met with many people. Talked someone, gestured with someone and took
pictures a lot.
In this evening ceremony will be held.

きっとみんな打ち解けて再会を誓ったのでしょう。 :cheers:

これからもこういうことがあったら、報告をお願いします!! :rainbow:

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記事: 4048
登録日時: 2010年12月13日(月) 23:19
お住まい: Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo, Japan
Pottermore username: QuillStrike149

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