1st Oct. 新宿スタバ会! 初!!


1st Oct. 新宿スタバ会! 初!!

投稿記事by さかい@tadoku.org » 2018年9月30日(日) 17:08

I have just announced it on Twitter and Facebook.

Time: 14:00 to 16:00, 1st October
That's tomorrow!

Place: スターバックスコーヒー 新宿サザンテラス店

You can spot me because my hair is almost totally silver and
will have a paperback upright on the table.

Hope someone has time to drop by and chat. :coffee:

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記事: 4048
登録日時: 2010年12月13日(月) 23:19
お住まい: Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo, Japan
Pottermore username: QuillStrike149

Re: 1st Oct. 新宿スタバ会! Sorry I'll be late by an hour!

投稿記事by さかい@tadoku.org » 2018年10月01日(月) 14:10

Sorry I'll be late by an hour.

So embarassing...
I really AM sorry.

I'm coming to if you could wait, please do.

さかい@多言語多読 :aserimasu:

さかい@tadoku.org さんが書きました:I have just announced it on Twitter and Facebook.

Time: 14:00 to 16:00, 1st October
That's tomorrow!

Place: スターバックスコーヒー 新宿サザンテラス店

You can spot me because my hair is almost totally silver and
will have a paperback upright on the table.

Hope someone has time to drop by and chat. :coffee:

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記事: 4048
登録日時: 2010年12月13日(月) 23:19
お住まい: Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo, Japan
Pottermore username: QuillStrike149

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