Thank you so much for the warm welcome, Katobushi-san!
I have started Tadoku since last 27 Sep actually.

As I'm writing this sentences, I finished
Booklog's Pubo (ブクログのパブー) picture book.
I thought the same thing. English is one of the three language I used daily, and most of my knowledge contributed by reading tons of online articles (and subtitled). Turn out it's a similar method to Tadoku.
But to be honest, I was skeptical at first when I thought of using the same method to learn Japanese, with doubt whether it's working... But boy, turn out I'm wrong! I remember kanji/vocabulary much better by reading them in different kind of context. I also found out I enjoy compound and guessing new words I do not know too.
Thank you so much for your invitation! I would really loved to meet them (Japanese Graded Readers's writer) if we had a chance.
I lived in Indonesia. My current favorite website which I often read is Some of the time, I also read Taami-san's blog ( Other than that I have been looking and reading free picture book such as つきのいないよる (
Currently, I'm looking for a medium length novel or light novel with furigana on kanji or/with common kanji doesn't have furigana. I have a problem that I have watched a lot of Japanese show, and somehow able to understand what they are speaking without subtitle. But, if I come face-to-face with kanji, I have a hard time. For example, I could understand 食感(しょっかん) if there is furigana. But if it's only kanji that's presented to me 食感, I have a hard time trying to understand what it mean. Do you, by any chance, can recommend some books, articles or site?
And I would really love to hear from English learner in Tadoku way too. If you don't mind me asking, what books do you read? What's your current favorite? Do you often find yourself wanting to look up at dictionary for the meaning of words you do not know (Some of the time, I have this strong urge to check dictionary)?
Looking forward to hear from you, Katobushi-san!