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投稿記事by Tsubaki » 2015年9月30日(水) 23:32


はじめて多読を出会うのは5日前、http://joechip.net/extensivereading/2011/06/09/my-tadoku-manifesto-why-i-started-extensive-reading-and-why-you-should-consider-it-too/さんの投稿でした。それいらい日本語読み物が積極的に探しました :grin:


Hello! I usually goes by the nickname Tsubaki. Currently, I'm learning Japanese.

The first time I encounter Tadoku is when I accidentally stumble across this article: http://joechip.net/extensivereading/2011/06/09/my-tadoku-manifesto-why-i-started-extensive-reading-and-why-you-should-consider-it-too/ Since then, I have been actively seeking for Japanese's reading material and as well as reading it. I would really love to meet fellow who does Tadoku.

Nice to meet you!

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記事: 4
登録日時: 2015年9月30日(水) 22:56

Re: はじめまして、Tsubakiと申します

投稿記事by katobushi » 2015年10月01日(木) 09:11

Hello! Tsubaki-san!!

I'm Katobushi, an English learner in Tadoku way.
I'm sooooooooooooo excited to know that you've started (or going to start?) Tadoku!
I'm quite sure that Tadoku is truly effective and unbelievably fun way to learn languages.
And it would be much better if you have fellow learners.
Actually finding Tadoku-friends is one of the most important part of Tadoku.

So, give us more information about you to support your Tadoku life.

Where do you live? What's your fave?
We can recommend you books, movies, animations etc... that suit you.
Some of my friends may know where you can get them.
And of course introduce you to some Japanese learners, the writers of Japanese graded readers
and Japanese Tadoku supporters.

Very nice to meet you!!

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記事: 1405
登録日時: 2012年8月02日(木) 16:53

Re: はじめまして、Tsubakiと申します

投稿記事by Tsubaki » 2015年10月01日(木) 21:53

Thank you so much for the warm welcome, Katobushi-san!

I have started Tadoku since last 27 Sep actually. :grin: As I'm writing this sentences, I finished Booklog's Pubo (ブクログのパブー) picture book.
I thought the same thing. English is one of the three language I used daily, and most of my knowledge contributed by reading tons of online articles (and subtitled). Turn out it's a similar method to Tadoku.
But to be honest, I was skeptical at first when I thought of using the same method to learn Japanese, with doubt whether it's working... But boy, turn out I'm wrong! I remember kanji/vocabulary much better by reading them in different kind of context. I also found out I enjoy compound and guessing new words I do not know too.

Thank you so much for your invitation! I would really loved to meet them (Japanese Graded Readers's writer) if we had a chance.

I lived in Indonesia. My current favorite website which I often read is http://sisinmaru.blog17.fc2.com/. Some of the time, I also read Taami-san's blog (http://ameblo.jp/taaami/). Other than that I have been looking and reading http://p.booklog.jp/ free picture book such as つきのいないよる (http://p.booklog.jp/book/10114/read)

Currently, I'm looking for a medium length novel or light novel with furigana on kanji or/with common kanji doesn't have furigana. I have a problem that I have watched a lot of Japanese show, and somehow able to understand what they are speaking without subtitle. But, if I come face-to-face with kanji, I have a hard time. For example, I could understand 食感(しょっかん) if there is furigana. But if it's only kanji that's presented to me 食感, I have a hard time trying to understand what it mean. Do you, by any chance, can recommend some books, articles or site?

And I would really love to hear from English learner in Tadoku way too. If you don't mind me asking, what books do you read? What's your current favorite? Do you often find yourself wanting to look up at dictionary for the meaning of words you do not know (Some of the time, I have this strong urge to check dictionary)?

Looking forward to hear from you, Katobushi-san!


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記事: 4
登録日時: 2015年9月30日(水) 22:56

Re: はじめまして、Tsubakiと申します

投稿記事by さかい@tadoku.org » 2015年10月02日(金) 14:28


I'm one of the board members of NPO Tadoku Supporters.
Welcome to this site for all kinds of fun with foreign languages. :applause:
I'm sure you will have as much fun as I do in these forums.
Do explore different forums and topics.

May I recommend to you the following topic in particular?
This is where your fellow Tadoku lovers, mostly doing Tadoku in English,
join on the Internet to talk about Tadoku and lots of other things.
They are friendly and welcoming so join them just to listen to their talk.

I'll write to you again so until then, Enjoy the forums and Japanese!


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記事: 4048
登録日時: 2010年12月13日(月) 23:19
お住まい: Tachikawa-shi, Tokyo, Japan
Pottermore username: QuillStrike149

Re: はじめまして、Tsubakiと申します

投稿記事by みや » 2015年10月04日(日) 23:40

Welcome to TADOKU !
My nickname is Miya. I’m leaning English in TADOKU way.
Katobushi-san is my classmate. I’m enjoying TADOKU very much.
Later someday, I tell you about my TADOKU in English.
But today I don’t have enough time. So I came here just to say hello to you.
I’m writing Japanese Graded Readers with some members.
Today’s information
Most of our JGR books have Kanzi with hiragana.
Some books have CD with it. And about some books you can get narration on our site.
Our homepage 多言語多読 has recommendation list for Japanese learners.
Such as Japanese picture books, comics, and so on.
Learning Japanese in extensive reading is not easier than learning English.
It seems like that.
But I think in some points it’s true, but in some points it’s more effective.
Now I want to say good night to you.
Now I can read or write English because of TADOKU.
But sorry, my English is not enough. It takes longer to write English
Now I have many thing to do about making JGR books.
So I’ll sent mail to you little by little.

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記事: 101
登録日時: 2014年6月21日(土) 21:50

Re: はじめまして、Tsubakiと申します

投稿記事by Tsubaki » 2015年10月06日(火) 19:45

Hello, Sakai-san. I'm sorry for the late reply.

Thank you so much for recommending the link to me. I'll try reading it now and I'll try joining the talk. I certainly will enjoy reading and Japanese :grin:

さかい@tadoku.org さんが書きました:Tsubaki-san,

I'm one of the board members of NPO Tadoku Supporters.
Welcome to this site for all kinds of fun with foreign languages. :applause:
I'm sure you will have as much fun as I do in these forums.
Do explore different forums and topics.

May I recommend to you the following topic in particular?
This is where your fellow Tadoku lovers, mostly doing Tadoku in English,
join on the Internet to talk about Tadoku and lots of other things.
They are friendly and welcoming so join them just to listen to their talk.

I'll write to you again so until then, Enjoy the forums and Japanese!


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記事: 4
登録日時: 2015年9月30日(水) 22:56

Re: はじめまして、Tsubakiと申します

投稿記事by Tsubaki » 2015年10月06日(火) 20:05

Hello Miya-san. It's a pleasure to receives message from you. I never thought that you'll write a message to me.

Thank you so much for the recommendation. I have also read JGR's book reviews on blogs. I will check JGR's books later.

I found that Japanese extensive reading is fun and challenging (in a good way) when I have the required tools (I adopt Tadoku's method and adjust it according to my preferences :rainbow: )

Don't worry about it. I can understand your English and it's quite good. If you would like, we can become English pen-pals to help you get used in writing English.

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記事: 4
登録日時: 2015年9月30日(水) 22:56

Re: はじめまして、Tsubakiと申します

投稿記事by kawamo » 2015年10月11日(日) 22:24






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記事: 536
登録日時: 2011年12月20日(火) 00:19

Re: はじめまして、Tsubakiと申します

投稿記事by みや » 2015年10月22日(木) 21:12

こんにちは, Tsubaki.さん

Sorry to be late to reply.
I was very happy when I read your comment.
“English pen-pal”
Sounds very nice!
But this web-site is open place. How we could make it? I wondered about that.
Then an idea came. I can ask the Admin of this web-site to send a private mail to you.
Is it OK?  Please reply here, then I will.

And I have one more idea.
We can write sometimes in English, sometimes in Japanese.
How do you think about that?

I can put ひらがなon 漢字. 漢字(かんじ), like this.
(I figure you can read many漢字 already, but maybe it will work.)


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記事: 101
登録日時: 2014年6月21日(土) 21:50

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