Writing bits here and bits there.
Hoping I'm mmoving in the right direction.
The hardest parts left out, though.
Like 外堀から埋める sort of situation.
Problem is that the hard part is the main thing.
Which is 実習篇.
理論篇 is the 外堀。
In the mean time, that is, until 実習篇 becomes crystal clear,
I watch as many TV dramas I can.
writing down 決まり文句.
I watched and listened to so many episodes.
I think I began to see Bitesize Speaking in a different light.
which is great.
dramas aren't so good but 決まり文句 are fun to collect.
Truly amazing how much of dialogues are in 決まり文句。
I'll show you some examples soon.
I'll go back to my draft now.
See you again soon.
BTW, I'm at Starbucks Kunitachi now.
We'll have another スタバ会 soon as well.