同じ「Fly Me to the Moon」でも、Carmen McRaeの歌にはついて、Miranda Sageの歌にはついていなかったり。 「What A Wonderful World」は、Loius ArmstrrongにもJackie EvanchoにもHalie Lorenのにもついてましたが、マーサ三宅の歌にはついていませんでした。 あと、Mariah Careyの「Hero」にも歌詞がついています。
I’ve just bought the new book in the Strike series by Robert Galbraith, aka JK Rowling. It’s Book 4 and I’m very curious to know what the relationship is like between the two protagonists. How is the author going to make it up with its tv drama version?
I’m going to talk about this book called …、you can find it in…、at some point、this thick!、near the end of the book、not quite、secretly、… then … then … then ...、the rest of the books、the best book ever!、I prefer you should read them、my favourite part of the book was...、I’m at pretty much the biggining